25 Pieces Of Disgusting Advice That Somehow Make Sense

Even though four in five people consider themselves knowledgeable about the human body, a 2020 study revealed only one in ten know that O-negative is the universal blood type. Furthermore, thirty-five percent don't know their own blood group. A third also didn't know the human body has two kidneys — with one in five thinking we have three or more.
We need to educate ourselves. Luckily, when Reddit user MarbleMimic asked others on the platform to share "disgusting" pieces of advice they were skeptical of at first but that ended up being actually helpful, folks stepped up and revealed a lot of interesting details about bodily functions.
Image credits: MarbleMimic
If you see someone have a motorcycle accident and you are the first responder, do not remove their helmet. plenty have had their neck injuries exacerbated by untrained people yanking on the helmet to pull it off. let the paramedics arrive and let them handle it. unless you are trained in first aid you are more likely to hurt them.StinkyKittyBreath:
In general, don't move somebody who is on the ground. Moving somebody who has unknown injuries could result in paralysis and worse. It's one of the things they pound into your head during first aid training.
Image credits: deys_malty
If you have to throw up but need to get to the toilet in time, start to hum loudly. You can't throw up while you're humming. You have to hurry, though. It saves only a few seconds.incoming-idiot:
Adding to this, another sign to get to the toilet quickly is if you start producing more saliva.

Image credits: schtefferson
Shouldnt be disgusting but many people arent comfortable with it- Installing a bidet is a game changer.julcarls:
Weird how they aren’t comfortable for what is essentially a mini-shower for your butthole, but they are comfortable wiping fecal matter off their butthole with just paper and their hand.

Image credits: Jefffahfffah
Someone told me at summer camp that his brother got food poisoning one time and was throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time, and mentioned he should have sat on the toilet and puked in the trash can. Fast forward 30 years, I ate gas station cole slaw, and this tip saved my bathroom decor.
Image credits: Horror_Goat_4611
Always close the toilet seat lid before you flushAlways pee after sex.

Image credits: clockjobber
I remember watching girl code on MTV years and years ago and they said to flush your poop as it comes out if you don’t want it to stink in a public restroom. It works.
Image credits: Individual_Will_2503
Not "disgusting" per se, but toilet related. Get a squatty potty or toilet stool, and correct your "pooping posture." Literally has made a world of difference to me. It's so much easier and more comfortable.
Image credits: florabundawonder
Sucking snot out of baby’s nose makes things better for all involved. Baby sleeps better, mom sleeps better. The little tube contraptions to do it seemed gross as hell at first but you get used to it and the results are worth it.vexens:
Before I remembered the little suction tube existed, I had the visual of someone putting their mouth over a baby's nostrils and slurping snot out of their nose. I fu**ing gagged.

Image credits: LiterallyADiva
Use your own spit to get blood stains fully out. The enzymes from your own saliva will break down your own blood.
It works! My husband thought I was nuts for telling him to spit on a bloodstain on his shirt. He skeptically tried it and was like, 'Holy sh*t, that worked!' I was dying laughing at his reaction to me saying, 'Spit on it. Yes. Just spit on it! Try it!' Even more hilarious, I had no idea if it would actually work; I’d only read about it. But it did work, and really well. It just sounded wild!

Image credits: raginghearton
If you need to help someone who is being violently attacked by a dog, jam your finger up the dog's b******e.Sounds awful. Definitely works.
You might want to be prepared to immediately fend off the dog yourself, though.

Image credits: wildbillnj1975
Every poo poo time is pee pee time, but not every pee pee time is poo poo time.
Image credits: Smegmatron9000
Visually check your bowel movements after you have them for any changes.RoutineInitiative187:
When my dad got bladder cancer, I learned a lot of information about what subtly different shades of urine mean, so I was obsessed with analyzing mine for a while. (He's fine now — ten years in remission!)
Gas, too. I know a woman who realized she had bowel cancer because her gas changed smell drastically.

Image credits: bayouprincess88
Always rinse your sinuses out when you feel an infection or even a head-cold starting.You may see some disturbing things come out of your face, but it's worth avoiding an infection getting even worse!

Image credits: BetterRemember
To stop hiccups, swallow a spoonful of mustard.
Image credits: goe4it
If you frequently get skid marks in your underwear, it's probably less to do with your butt-wiping abilities and more to do your diet of junk food. That stuff glides out of you like greased lightening.
Image credits: latchkey_adult
I was annoyed when my doc told me to chart my blood pressure daily after retiring as my dad had died from a stroke at aged 65. I always thought it was three packs of Salem cigarettes, but I did the charting.A slow increase and the doctor did some tests. I had a blockage in a carotid artery that had to be replaced as it was close to breaking. I got to at least postpone my stroke. I am 71.

Image credits: cwsjr2323
Always close your mouth when doing a diaper change on a baby.Maxtrt:
I remember when I had comeback from a training flight (Air Force) when my son was about four or five months old. I had just started to open the door and heard my wife scream. She stormed out of our son's bedroom and faced me, and I saw a splash of a grayish-green liquid dripping from her cheek and collarbone. She practically blew steam out of her ears and yelled, 'YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR SON NOW!' I turned to go into his room when I observed a line of diarrhea dripping from almost the top of the door and in a six-foot runner down on the floor from the door to his changing station.

Image credits: mellowmadre
Be selfish.
Image credits: AdBroad8817
Marry someone who loves you more than you love them.
Image credits: Fish_tacos_
Being a good person at the expense of your mental health is incredibly overrated.
Image credits: VikuSam
For men - if you feel cold but your balls are low then you're probably feverish and having hot and cold flashes.For women - if you wait to have sex/jill off until you really have to pee then it will usually be easier to have an orgasm.
The "branches" of the clitoris wrap around the bladder, and extra pressure can make things easier. Similarly, pregnancy (fetus pressing on bladder) and pronebone (woman laying prone) can make female orgasm easier.

Image credits: RunsWithCrashCarts
Eating something spicy to clear a stuffy nose.
Image credits: megan1010m
Pretty mild compared to the other posts in this thread, but when the handsoap pump isnt working, (youre pumping away but no soap comes out), depress and hold it down then suck until you get soap in your mouth. Pump will now work. It works every time.
Image credits: behold_the_pagentry
My dads favorite saying when he'd meet my sisters new boyfriend."If you sit on your hands for 10 minutes before you have a wank it feels like someone else is doing it."
I dont know if it was helpful to them but the reaction always helped my day a bit.

Image credits: impossible12345
Press your thumb into your palm to remove your gag reflex.
Image credits: CoatFullOfBees