Sitting At A Desk Makes You 34% More Likely To Die Of Heart Disease!

<img src="" /><h3>Sitting at a desk makes you 34% more likely to die of heart disease, study shows</h3><p>SITTING behind a desk all day can increase your risk of dying from a heart disease by a third, a study shows.</p><p>It increased the chances of an early death from any cause by 16 per cent, <a href="">Taiwanese</a> researchers found.</p><figure><div class="article__media-img-container open-gallery" data-index="400488"><a href="#"><img alt="Sitting behind a desk all day can increase your risk of dying from heart disease by a third, a study shows" height="638" width="960" class="lazyload" data-src="" data-credit="Getty" data-sizes="(max-width: 375px) 335px, (max-width: 520px) 480px, 620px" data-img="" src="" role="img"></a><div class="article__gallery-count"><span class="article__gallery-count-value">1</span></div></div><figcaption style="font-size: 75%;font-style: italic;"><span class="article__media-span">Sitting behind a desk all day can increase your risk of dying from heart disease by a third, a study shows</span><span class="article__credit">Credit: Getty</span></figcaption></figure><p>The study of 481,688 people over 13 years found the risks could be offset by 15 to 30 minutes of hard exercise every day.</p><p>Dr Min-Kuang Tsai, of Taipei Medical University, said: “Employers can play a role in facilitating this by providing designated areas for leisure time physical activity.</p><p>“The fact that there is no increased risk for those who alternate between sitting and non-sitting at work suggests incorporating regular breaks in work settings can be beneficial.</p><p>"Our findings offer reassurance that the increased risks for those who are mainly sedentary can be offset by an extra 15 to 30 minutes per day of exercise per day.”</p><p>Lazy lifestyles are a top killer, according to the World Health Organization.</p><p>Not exercising enough has been linked to higher rates of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and dementia.</p><p>The NHS recommends Brits do some type of physical activity every day and strength training at least twice a week.</p><p>They should try and do two-and-a-half hours of moderate intensity activity — like brisk <a href="">walking</a> — a week, according to the guidelines.</p><h3>Britain blows up drones with £140m LASER - with each shot costing just a tenner</h3><h3>Hugh Hefner was addicted to opiates and staff feared he’d die, Crystal claims</h3><h3>Massive Samsung drone show with colourful whirring lights 'mistaken for UFO'</h3><h3>Kay Adams left with heads in hands after Gronkowski's on-screen admission</h3><p>The study, published in JAMA Network Open, looked at how <a href="">sitting</a> at work and exercising in your free time affects health outcomes.</p><p>People who spent most of their time sitting were at a greater risk of an early death than those who were on their feet.</p><p>But getting in just an extra half hour of exercise a day helped reduce their chances to the same level as those who do not spend most of their time sat down.</p><p>Study co-author Dr Wayne Gao said: “Reducing prolonged sitting in the workplace may be beneficial in mitigating the elevated risks of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease.”</p><p> <small>The post <a href="">Sitting at a desk makes you 34% more likely to die of heart disease!</a> captured from <a href="">The Drudge Report</a> column 2, link 12 on 1/19/2024 6:00:03 PM UTC.</small></p><p style="text-align: center"> <a style="background-color: #008CBA;border: none;color: white;padding: 8px;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;display: inline-block;font-size: 14px;margin: 4px 2px;cursor: pointer;border-radius: 8px;" href="">Browse more feeds built by RssFeeder</a></p><hr /><p> <small> <ul> <li><strong>site_name:</strong> the us sun</li> <li><strong>host:</strong></li> <li><strong>url:</strong> <a href=""></a></li> <li><strong>captured:</strong> 1/19/2024 6:00:03 PM UTC</li> <li><strong>hash:</strong> b473bdba49820e0e0eb030d18194ed0f</li> <li><strong>location:</strong> column 2, link 12</li> </ul> </small></p>