Knights Of The Fallen Empire Trailer

Some beautiful work in this video. #knightsofthefallenempire #eae3 #faceyourdestiny has several posts in regards to the expansion.
So far it looks good, but now flashpoints, operations are going to be dual-faction? And this is suppose to be the solution to queue times? This is going to be interesting to see how this unfolds. I’m not quite sure how I feel about a dual-faction flashpoint or operations.
#Bioware really seem to be gearing towards gaining more subscribers, ideally it wasn’t the same direction that I originally was thinking. But I’ll just have to wait and watch what Bioware releases with new information. Hopefully the San Diego Community Cantina tells us more. But there are certain questions still left unanswered.
I’ll have a follow up post.
Stay tuned to The Balance Force.