From The Heart…

It has been an interesting journey, as we draw to the end of 2017 and the start of 2018. I wanted to take a moment to apologize to the readers/community as I was not able to continue on with the podcast, life can some times, well just get a little crazy. It’s not to say that I woun’t possibly do a podcast in the future but things in my life still need settling. When I started the blog, I wanted to share my passion for gaming and #swtor.
Some time ago, I suffered a traumatic event. It had a tremendous affect on my health, that things havn’t been the same. It’s true what they say, it’s a long road to recovery. Now I don’t want to make this long and drawn out. Members of the swtor community helped me with learning how to podcast, in which I am grateful for (Thank you.). But certain personal issues came about that needed more of my attention, most importantly my health and finances. For anyone that may have felt asthough I had let them down, I apologize. It was never my intention to disappoint anyone in the community.
I have shared my views of games, and everyone has a different way of playing them. I am hoping that come 2018 that things in my life will be a bit more stable that maybe I can revisit the podcast.
But until then, I will continue to blog about swtor and games, and still post up #StarWars stuff on my facebook page. We all know how sometimes society can be so judgemental, and some times when going through a traumatic event can give people the wrong perception. We sometimes get so wrapped up with so much that sometimes we forget that maybe we need help from friends and family, or we take on more then we can handle. But most importantly we forget how to see things from that persons point of view and not realize that they are going through something we may or may not understand. And we need to remember to be patient and supportive. But the last thing that I ever wanted to do was to disappoint and let anyone down.
I do want to say thank you to the community for your support and understanding, and again I apologize if I had disappointed and/or let you down. I wish you the best holidays as Christmas is right around the corner and not to mention for you to have a safe and Happy New Year.
Thank you.
Stay tuned to The Balance Force.