Cantina Event Follow Up…

The presentation of the event was nicely done with ESL and the host. But essentially it was the ‘Dev Stream 2.0′, on that I was disappointed about that. My speculation is that Bioware wanted to ride the same wave from the March Dev Stream and hype. Bioware could’ve just continued on from the Dev stream and just have ‘recapped’, and could’ve gone into the new information from there. But guessing they wanted to somewhat drag it out to fill space. But I can’t help to say that it still felt like they were falling short in some areas. Now granted there was a few setbacks, and I wasn’t too sure of what happened in regards to the team up of Bioware and ESL. But seeing that ESL streamed the Cantina event confirmed that there’s still a partnership going on. And I speculate that at some point Bioware will do another type of event in conjunction with ESL. Any future ‘Operation: Victory’ event? Or any event to make up for it?
Bioware’s stream presentation is going in the right direction but I hope not to see a repeat of a repeat. Especially for the San Diego Cantina, even though it’ll be after the 3.2 update. Maybe Bioware will see that the presentation needs to move forward and not stay somewhat stagnant. Trickle out some new teasers or tidbits every now and then, peak our interests, get us talking about it. Market it and own it.
Next on the list for Bioware would be that they’re working already on the new content for after 3.2, probably class balances updates, minor bug and visual fixes (Rishi bridge). And more than likely preparing for the San Diego Cantina and presentation. Maybe another Dev stream before then? To give a few tidbits of new content?
I’m always giving Bioware the benefit of the doubt and saying to myself that it’s growing pains for them. Being that it’s their first MMO, the game has so much potential, and I see it as this is only the beginning. The community wants more, I know I do. One suggestion is to drop the whole, “Can we say that?”, that is what’s separating the community from the company. Bioware needs to take a updated approach on community reveals and information. Granted, I’m not versed in the inner workings of Bioware’s infrastructure. Bioware is holding a double-edge sword because the community lashes out at them for no information, and if they fall short of information we lash right back at them.
All the information so far is focusing on subscriptions, okay, understandable. More revenue, more employees, more content. A better overall experience for the company and it’s community, win win.
But one thing that drives me crazy is the silent treatment that the community gets from wanting some questions answered, which brings me to the next part.
The Q&A was horrid, the real hard-hitting questions was screened and thrown out, WHY? Similar questions have been asked before with the same results. The bridge between the Bioware and the community seems to be getting further and not closer. By continuing on this path, it will certainly drive players away rather than closer. As I’ve been typing this post out, I’ve seen a few tweets to Eric Mucso expressing how displease they are, not to mention the forum posts. So many questions that the community has that were left unanswered. PvP, GSF, nightmare mode, are just to name a few. Let’s see what the next event has in store for the community.
Stay tuned to The Balance Force.