A Tremor In The Force

Well, today Eric Musco announced (finally) that Bioware will have its stream.
March 20th from 3pm-4pm CDT via twitch.tv/swtor with some news of 3.2 update.
So we get 1 hour to hopefully watch something that will hype us up for 3.2 update. Maybe a little insight on ‘the outfitter’?
Maybe a Q&A? What questions do you think will be asked?
- Coratanni and Underlurker bug fix?
- PvP new content?
- Nightmare for new Ops?
- Class balancing? Or Nerfing?
- Operation: Victory, re announced?
These are just a few things that just come to mind. I’m pretty PvP’ers will be asking about win-trading.
Now a smart stream from Bioware would be to have a set time to answer as many questions as possible but in a timely fashion. Along with giving a satisfactory answer to everything that players want to know, I think that’s fair enough, now remember Bioware said they want to be more transparent with its player-base. And they should, they owe us that much. I want ‘wall-o-crazy’ stuff announced. Besides the fixes they need to do ingame, I think that if Bioware gives us enough juicy tidbits, that it may give a better outlook on their so-called roadmap of 2015.
Unless I’m completely wrong and they dodge the questions like politicians in an election race by using classic misdirection.
I think that Bioware knows that they’ve falling short and they need to show face and earn some respect back. Without a customer-base, you don’t have a game.
Let’s just hope Bioware doesn’t cancel the stream due to weather on the East Coast.
Sometime later Tait Watson says:
Could it be? Will they give us a treat? A glimpse of 3.2 (even though Musco said: No spoilers!)
Stay tuned to the Force.