Why Many Don’t Even Try Legacy Writing And Why It’s Worth It

Imagine yourself at a casual social gathering, where you find the courage to share a life event that deeply affected you. This simple act becomes an icebreaker, and soon, you’re bombarded with comments like, “You should write a book!” or “Your story needs to be heard.”
These reactions, though flattering, hint at a more profound truth that has the power to touch lives.
Challenges to Overcome
But do you? Do you truly grasp the value of your story, its impact on others, and the value it can leave behind? Is it worth remembering, let alone committing to print for the world to see?
Most people who believe they have a story to tell either a) can’t afford to hire a ghostwriter to write it, b) do not make the commitment to work with a ghostwriter who can expertly write it for them in their voice and style, c) do not have the confidence to tell their story, d) cannot imagine anyone would read it, or e) have a sense of self-loathing and feel writing their book is too much like self-promotion.
Legacy Writing
These concerns are not roadblocks, but challenges to overcome. Like any commitment in life, the key is to face them head-on. If you’re truly committed to sharing your story, it’s because you believe in its power to impact others. This belief is your greatest ally in the journey of legacy writing.
Legacy writing is a powerful tool for preserving your personal stories, history, or family history. It’s not just a suggestion; it’s a personal duty and, at times, a pressing call to action, especially considering your age and health. Your children, friends, lovers, and even those once part of your life may discover a side of you they never knew, enriching their understanding of your life journey.
My Experience
For instance, I am assisting a military historian in writing his book. His account of his father’s involvement in WWII and the Korean War and his Air Force experience worldwide will testify to his family’s value of country first and can-do-it-ness, besides a valuable historical record for future generations.
That’s because the book is written like a novel, although based on historical facts. Working with a book coach is like being represented by a talent scout. Your coach sees the essence or gems in the story and knows how to excavate them to the page expertly.
Time Moves in One Direction
On the subject of age, we all feel the clock ticking on our journey here on earth. Unless you’ve had a traumatic experience or phenomenal success in some area of your life, like most of us, you’ve had your ups and downs and taken your path to overcoming obstacles – whether it took a long or short time, whether you were a late bloomer or had an early awareness of your life’s purpose.
The writing of a memoir often begins with the daunting questions of permission, story ownership, and truth-telling, which together can keep the writer from moving into a place where voice and story are free to emerge and the work of crafting their story can truly begin.
The process of learning how to move beyond any constraints to a place of creative clarity in your heart and mind allows the story to breathe.
By examining your life and writing about it, you might just find it adds years to it and is a key motivator reminding you “it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.”
Let’s Have a Conversation:
What story have you got in you? Have you tried telling it? Are there any fears/constraints that are stopping you at the moment?