Thematic Focus: Children & Families - Pt. 1

Short pieces:
State, Federal Policies Escalate Attacks on Immigrant Children (Immigration Impact Blog, Feb. 2025) [text]
- Focuses on the US.
New open access book:
Precarious Motherhood: Navigating Relationships and Support Post-migration in the UK (UCL Press, March 2025) [open access]
- "Precarious Motherhood explores the experiences of racially minoritised mothers living with insecure immigration status and financial hardship in London, UK. It exposes the impact of hostile immigration policies and precarity on mothers’ interpersonal relationships and access to support. The author draws attention to how mothers manage the constraints they face and enact belonging. She then explores the impact on mothers’ couple relationships, friendships, adult kin relationships and faith-based networks. The book underlines the vital role of personal relationships in providing access to resources and support, but also demonstrates how precariously positioned mothers must carefully navigate relational tensions in their everyday lives. It highlights how social infrastructure facilitates relational practices, helping mothers to sustain their children’s wellbeing and their own."
Reports & book chapters:
Challenges for the Rights of Refugee Children in Thailand under the UN Convention and the Reservation Withdrawals: Inclusive Policy, Exclusive Practice (Chiang Mai Univ., Feb. 2025) [text]
Detained or Deported: What About My Children? (Women's Refugee Commission, updated Feb. 2025) [text]
- Focuses on the US.
"Eclectic resilience: child migration through children’s eyes," Chapter in Revisiting Childhood Resilience Through Marginalised and Displaced Voices: Perspectives from the Past and Present (UCL Press, Feb. 2025) [open access]
- Scroll to p. 45.
Expert Meeting on Alternative Care and Guardianship for Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) in Bulgaria: Report and Recommendations (UNHCR, Jan. 2025) [text]
- Focuses on Ukrainians.
Hidden hardships: The immigration system and child poverty (Institute for Public Policy Research, March 2025) [text via EIN]
- Focuses on the UK.
Indicators for Children on the Move: A guideline (International Data Alliance for Children on the Move, March 2025) [text]
Lost Childhoods: The consequences of flawed age assessments at the UK border (Refugee and Migrant Children’s Consortium, March 2025) [text]
"Vulnerability and Child Participation: A Reflection on the Involvement of Refugee Children in Asylum Procedures," Chapter in Perspectives on Children, Rights, and Vulnerability (Scandinavian Univ. Press, 2025) [open access]
- Focuses on The Netherlands.
"Vulnerability and Discrimination: The State’s Responsibility towards Asylum-Seeking Children’s Right to Health and Care to Prevent Discrimination against Children," Chapter in Perspectives on Children, Rights, and Vulnerability (Scandinavian Univ. Press, 2025) [open access]
- Focuses on Norway.
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