Learn To Simplify Your Life, Possessions And Priorities

The journey to simplify my life has taken many detours over the past few years. After moving from London to Switzerland in July 2013, I put all my energy and passion into launching a new business, Sixty and Me. It has now grown into a community of over 600,000 women over 60 focused on well being, financial security and independence.
If you have been with us for the last 10+ years, you know we discuss the changes we encounter as we get older and share our shifting attitude to life, people, places and things. The need for prioritizing and finding meaning seems a common and constant theme for us all. In the Facebook community we share personal stories. Our YouTube Channel now has over 1500 videos. The conversations are on topics of interest to women who are aging beautifully and living with passion and purpose.
Letting Go
The content on the Sixty and Me website ranges from yoga to travel to health, beauty, retirement, grandparenting, fashion and inspiration. We talk about downsizing often – and the conversation often goes beyond things. As it should. Women in their 60s have accumulated a lot of everything in their lives – some that are in little boxes inside that are locked tight. Others that we are ready to let go.
So we talk about downsizing stuff, moving into smaller homes, letting toxic people go, letting a lot of emotion, experience and memories go. But we circle back to stuff, material possessions, and so I wrote this article that really summarizes how I see the process.
Learn to Simplify
My desire is to continue to learn to simplify my life and stay focused with a simplification mindset in everything I do. Whether it is travelling light, preparing simple meals, simplifying my surroundings or reducing the clutter in my mind.
This will be the place where we can learn to simplify our lives together. I am looking forward to the adventure!
Simplify Is a Verb
Learning to simplify is not a passive activity. It is about making decisions, taking action and using simplicity as a way to facilitate a lifestyle that is truthful and dynamic. It is not about saying no to things, but saying yes to life.
Simplicity drives action and uncovers meaning. It is a way of life, not a moment in time – an endless process of reducing and at the same time expanding and defining what is really, truly important in life.
So let’s get started.
Let’s Have a Conversation:
What are you looking to simplify in your life? Have you started already? What did you start with? Have you found simplifying easy or difficult?