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3 Zodiacs Who Urgently Need Boundaries (+tarot Advice On How To Set Them)

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It’s urgent that Aries, Gemini, and Libra go through the difficult work of establishing firm boundaries right now. Our tarot reader has performed custom tarot readings to help guide you.

The cards that have been drawn represent the following:

  • Your Past: Your recent past.
  • Working For You: What’s working for you in the present.
  • Working Against You: What’s working against you in the present.
  • Your Subconscious: What underlying motivations, thoughts, or emotions may be driving your experience.
  • Your Goals and Thoughts: What your thoughts gravitate towards, what your goals are, what you’re visualizing and imagining.
  • Coming Soon: An event or experience in your not-too-distant Future. 
  • Advice: A Piece of advice on how to deal with the situation you’re facing. 


Working For You: 6 of Pentacles. While a charitable act can create a two-way flow of abundance, the experience of charity has lessons to teach us all. Your sense of gratitude has led you to a generosity of spirit that is working in your favor. Your sense of the balance between give and take will help alert you to when things start to get out of whack, and when more firm boundaries need to be asserted. The advice card, which is the 10 of swords, leads me to believe that you need to watch that balance carefully and be prepared to establish some firm boundaries between your past and future lives.

Working Against You: The Wheel of Fortune. Surrendering to the will of the universe isn’t your strong suit, Aries, and it’s challenging the sense of security you get from feeling like you’re in control. Try to reframe the situation and recognize that the fact it isn’t up to you, doesn’t hinge on you – is liberating, not limiting. It will also allow you to acknowledge which parts of your situation you can’t change, so you can focus your energy on things you can change.

Your Subconscious: 5 of Pentacles, Reversed. You’re working through a lot of fear and anxiety that has been driven by the fact you endured a lack of material resources that you needed – perhaps it was after a period of job loss, or due to other factors. You’ve become subconsciously focused on ensuring you never experience that again.

Your Goals and Thoughts: The Chariot, Reversed. Your mind can’t seem to let go of the possible repercussions and consequences of actions you’ve taken. It might manifest when you wake in the middle of the night, horrified by something you said years ago, or when catastrophizing starts to replace brainstorming. 

Coming Soon: 7 of Cups. The way to make big things happen is to dream big and wild – and that’s exactly what you’ll find yourself doing soon. It can be empowering to daydream about a better tomorrow!

Advice: 10 of Swords. The 10 of Swords can be a hard card to see, but as advice it simply means this – you know that it’s over. Signs couldn’t be clearer. The best thing you can do is give yourself the space to grieve, learn how to heal, and move on. 


There is a lot of Knight energy in the reading, Gemini, in fact all of them but one showed up in your reading, in the present moment. Knights are all about action, movement, and seizing opportunities. I’ll go into how each of the Knights come into play in the reading below, but it might be worth some additional contemplation on the missing Knight – the Knight of Swords, which might indicate that you feel like you’re lacking a deep conviction that consumes your every thought. Notice how all of these Knights are ‘piled up’ at this moment. It’s unsurprising that there might be a dual meaning, because this might also indicate several suitors (with pentacles being an earth sign, wands being a fire sign, or cups being a water sign).

Working For You: Knight of Pentacles. You’ve really been putting the work in, and it’s not just that you’re working long hours, you’re working smart. You’ve been focused on planting seeds that can lead to a brighter, more stable future. Make sure that you establish healthy work-life boundaries.

Working Against You: Knight of Wands. What you want to do creatively – the thing that sparks your passion and sets your soul alight – isn’t the same thing that you’re using to build your future, and it’s taking your mind out of ‘the game.’ You’re going to need some firm boundaries in order to maintain the sort of balance you need. 

Your Subconscious: Knight of Cups, Reversed. You’re working through a whole array of emotions, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them feel like they are just centered in your belly. You may be carrying some negative emotions with you that are negatively impacting your ability to create the healthy boundaries you need.

Your Goals and Thoughts: 9 of Pentacles. You’re working to manifest your biggest dreams, and creating a balance between the spiritual and physical. You’re keeping your eyes on the prize – contentment and joy. Remember that it’s going to take balance – and strict adherence to boundaries – to get you there.

Coming Soon: 3 of Swords. This card is a big warning that you’ll be dealing with a lot of heartbreak and loss in the not-too-distant future. If you’re able to establish some firm boundaries, there’s a chance you can lessen the impact (depending on the situation). Regardless, as you deal with the grief, be kind to yourself.

Advice: Ace of Cups. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to open your heart, and to allow yourself to fully experience it. Embrace love.


Working For You: 6 of Swords, Reversed. You’ve been through a lot. The emotional intelligence and spiritual wisdom that you’ve gathered from all of your experiences – the good, the bad, and the wild – will help you establish the boundaries that you need to flourish. There’s very little that you haven’t had to figure out, and if there’s anyone who is built to seek and maintain balance, it’s you. The thoughtful ‘airiness’ of the situation is right up your alley. You’ve got this, Libra.

Working Against You: 7 of Pentacles, Reversed. When you’re in a balanced state, you’re normally pretty patient, but you’re being challenged. Your focus, which is normally so sharp, can’t handle the periods of downtime and waiting that you might be experiencing. The impatience is affecting you, and you’re finding it harder and harder to let the situation breathe long enough. Don’t give up! Creating a well-balanced life with healthy boundaries is important, and you’re worth the work!

Your Subconscious: Page of Cups, Reversed. As you work through this intense stack of emotions, you may find that it’s harder to ‘keep it together’ and may also experience moments where you feel intensely emotionally vulnerable. Be gentle.

Your Goals and Thoughts: The Lovers. The Lovers card isn’t just about a lover and the support and validation that they bring to your life, but it’s also about how the choices that we make in the people that we love reflect our values. They also can amplify our best traits. Choose wisely, and choose with love.

Coming Soon: Queen of Cups. Your intuitive self is opening as you process all these emotions, and the thoughtful balance and strong, sensible boundaries have helped create an internal environment that will help you to flourish. Your investment in yourself, and the centering of your empathy will help you experience deep healing – and deep love.

Advice: Judgement. Judgement is about a moment in which we are awakening to our true selves, and an unveiling of our motives and purpose.
