My 87 Yr Old Granddad Owns 4,000 $nvda Shares.

TL;DR: my granddad who can’t wipe his own ass bought 4,000 $NVDA shares (1,000 shares pre 4:1 split) in 2018/2019 and is now sitting on >$2.5 million in NVDA.
My granddad is 87 immobile in a wheelchair and doesn’t know anything about semiconductors or anything else technology related. He cannot Google or text, and he currently has someone who lives in his home 24/7 and wipes his ass for him. However, the man is a damn intuitive savant when it comes to stocks.
Given, he did grow up in the biggest bull market in human history with Boomers printing money like Chuck E. Cheese bucks.. and everyone is a genius in a bull market..
Anyway, I like talking stocks with my granddad because it’s something we could connect on, and he has a ton of experience with it. So in 2018 we were talking about the market, and he casually brings up Nvidia without me guiding it to that at all. I bought Nvidia in 2017 so was familiar with it although I bought my shares at 18 yrs old with $2k I had saved up. Nothing insane although I kept 90% to this day. He says he saw NVIDIA in a newspaper article with someone recommending it for elderly’s retirement accounts. So my granddad being the OGangster called his broker and bought 1,000 shares on the spot because in his words: “I don’t buy a stock if I can’t afford 1,000 shares”. Some out of touch boomer shit if I ever heard..
I was dumbstruck because here I am thinking I was doing great with my savings over the years, and he just humbled my ass in a sentence. Add in the 4:1 stock split, and now he’s sitting on 4,000 shares. (He has since confirmed this to me when I’ve brought it up in the last month). He hasn’t sold a dime and doesn’t even know what the price is doing day to day unless he sees it on TV or calls his broker I guess.. or if I tell him. He’s just chilling in his wheelchair along for the ride. I called and celebrated with him the other day because I am happy for him even if he has nowhere else to spend it really. He was already wealthy as you can imagine for someone to drop 6 figures on a stock they know little about.
I hope for that level of success someday, but he’s also a lucky SOB and he knows it! Told me “haha well I’m just lucky I guess”. Thought id share here because I’m not sharing this IRL, but I find it pretty ironic my old ass granddad is outperforming 95% of this sub. Me included.
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