Just 17 Very Good And Extremely Weird Vice Stories About The Internet

We all know the internet is a crazy place. The mess of it is compounded by the fact we’re all experiencing it in completely different ways: Boomers arguing in Facebook comments, zoomers who’ve never known life pre-dial-up, and millennials stuck, as ever, in the middle.
The ~world wide web, for all its sins, has given the world some cracking content, and we’ve devoted ourselves to diving into every viral happening and mishap. Like that story of the supremely well-endowed guy from the COVID texts, or our ode to that unforgettable 00s “Badger, badger, mushroom” song, arguably the internet’s first meme?
We’ve had a hand in creating these moments too, like the time VICE reporter Oobah Butler made his garden shed the top rated restaurant on TripAdvisor. Or when a writer tried to join the Illuminati. We spend way too much time online, basically. Hydrate your eyeballs, grab your sippy cup and scroll through our best internet stories of the past three decades. Because let’s face it, your brain is already decaying – why not hasten along its demise?