70 Adorable Moms That Made Their Kids’ Day (new Pics)

“A mother’s love is more beautiful than any fresh flower.” This was a quote from philosopher and author Dr. Debasish Mridha, and it perfectly encapsulates the photos on this list. Mothers express their affection in various ways. Their love language, whatever it may be, is a gift that keeps on giving.
And these priceless moments captured and shared on the internet are the eternal proof of that. Some may bring out chuckles, while others could be the heartwarming tear-jerker you didn’t know you needed today.
These images are part of Bored Panda’s series of articles that show how endearing, funny, lovable, and awesome moms are.
#1 That's Sweet
Image credits: thepartypope
#2 My Mum vs. 7 Springer Spaniel Puppies

Image credits: Squeezieful
#3 My Mom Being Herself

Image credits: Disastrous_Window
#4 This Lovely Response From A Mom

Image credits: Iamyeetlord
#5 My Mom Crochets And Donated 48 Blankets To Sick Children This Year

Image credits: seacogen
For decades, there has been scientific research focused on motherhood's unique contributions. The consensus is that "the relationship formed through a mother's attentive love provides the foundation for all of the other unique contributions of motherhood."
Scholar Sara Ruddick deemed these contributions reflections of "three central tasks" that provide the foundation of attentive love: to preserve children's lives and well-being, foster children's growth and development, and enable children to become acceptable contributors in society.
#6 I Won A Rubber Ducky For My Mom While Visiting Home. After Returning She's Been Sending Me Updates On Their Adventures Together. My Mom Is The Cutest Human Ever
She’s my best friend and I live across the world from my family. So when she missed me at dinner the first night after I left, Duckally (pronounced like “luckily”) was created. Most recently my mom got a small doll house and some miniature props that she plans to slowly reveal to me, one room at a time, through future updates of Duckally’s adventures. I’m so glad Duckally can hang out with my mom in my place.

Image credits: Fiftydollarvolvo
#7 Just The Fact That She Put This Together Herself Is Beyond Awesome

Image credits: AskFareeha
#8 My Cat Is Watching TV With My Mom

Image credits: hanamihoshi
#9 A Person At My Mom's Work Was Having A Cake Made For A Baby Shower And Asked My Mom What She Should Put On The Cake. She Used My Mom's Suggestion

Image credits: Fartica90
Here’s another quote that fits this article, this time by poet and preacher Edwin Chapin: “No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a mother’s love.” We can all agree on this, but there is also research to back it up.
Research from the University of Miami found that maternal sensitivity strongly influences language development in children with autism. The study defined maternal sensitivity as “a combination of warmth, responsiveness to the child’s needs, respect for his or her emerging independence, positive regard for the child, and maternal structuring.”
#10 Someone Stole My Mom’s Zucchini From The Community Garden

Image credits: Toxicologie
#11 Thanks For The Information, Mom

Image credits: Jaxifyer
#12 The First Thing Mom Did With Her New Printer

Image credits: Dinstruction
#13 My Mother-In-Law Sent This To The Whole Family

Image credits: Goobles75
#14 That's True Love

Image credits: Parkerlawyer
#15 My Niece's Kitten Opened Her Eyes. Here She Is In My Mother's Hands

Image credits: DarkUltra
#16 Her Daughter's Smile Is Everything

Image credits: MrsRyan310
Dr. Jason Baker, co-founder of the California State University Fullerton Center of Autism, stressed the importance of proper parenting in the development of children with conditions like autism.
“Parenting may matter even more for children with developmental problems such as autism because certain things that tend to develop easily in children with typical neurological development, like social communication, don’t come as naturally for kids with autism, so these skills need to be taught.”
#17 My Mom Got Mad At Me And Stole My Sheets
Why can't she take away my Xbox or phone like a normal parent?

Image credits: reddit.com
#18 This Gun My Mom Drew To Try To Keep Me Away From Her Chocolate Stash

Image credits: reddit.com
#19 My Parents Were Having A Rough Time So I Invited Them Over To Play With My Five Foster Kittens. This Is My New Favorite Photo Of My Mom

Image credits: cpics_traveler
#20 My Birthday Cake! Small And Perfect. My Mum's Made Today Perfect
I didn't want a big fuss today, so this really is exactly perfect. I pretended to blow it out and my mum turned it off while I closed my eyes!

Image credits: dungeon-raided
#21 My Mom Is 92 With My 13-Year-Old Sweet Dog. Both Still Going Strong

Image credits: Guygirl00
#22 My Mum Made This For Me

Image credits: ltbluepoetry
It goes without saying that mothers have a profound impact on their children, and it differs between their sons and daughters. A 2023 paper published by researchers from Indiana University Bloomington suggested that the absence of a mother figure in a man’s life could lead to antisocial behavior, emotional issues, and juvenile delinquency.
Further research revealed that the lack of maternal affection in males may cause a lack of attachment, which can lead to the inability to build deep, meaningful relationships with women. This individual may also develop trust issues because of the fear of abandonment.
Experts interviewed for this study also mentioned other potential consequences, such as poor academic achievement, criminal behavior, and substance abuse when they grow older.
#23 I Told My Mom I Was Dropping Out Today As An April Fools' Prank And Expected Her To Be Annoyed. I Was Not Expecting This Reaction

Image credits: blackcovenant666
#24 My Mom Had Me Fetch Her "Toolbox". Not Even Sure It Gets A For Effort

Image credits: Eolopolo
#25 My Mom Made My Girls A Pom-Pom Rug Each. It Took 80 Hours And 320 Pom-Poms, And They Chose Their Favorite Colors. Just Missed Christmas, But They Are Ecstatic Nonetheless

Image credits: Ebs707
#26 My Mom Celebrating After Biking 2,400 Miles Across The United States

Image credits: MrPositive_
#27 This Is So Beautiful

Image credits: ettesalveregina
#28 My Mom's Favorite 90th Birthday Present - The Hat. She's As Lovely As Her Smile

Image credits: lilythepoop
#29 In 1998, I Begged My Mom To Buy Me JNCO Jeans. She Agreed, But Only On The Condition We Do A Photoshoot To Prove To My Future Self How Stupid I Looked. Look Who's Laughing Now, Mom

Image credits: korndiddy
#30 My Mom Has Been Taking Pictures Of My Dad Driving For Over 40 Years

Image credits: johnny_moronic
We now know how absentee mothers may affect their sons’ lives in the long run. But how about their daughters? How are the consequences similar or different?
Author Peg Streep wrote books such as Mean Mothers: Overcoming the Legacy of Hurt and published an article in Psychology Today. Based on her own experiences, she mentioned a lack of confidence, distrust, difficulty setting boundaries, and oversensitivity, among other possible outcomes of maternal parenting where affection is almost absent.
“The unloved daughter doesn’t know that she is lovable or worthy of attention; she may have grown up feeling ignored or unheard or criticized at every turn. The voice in her head is that of her mother’s, telling her what she isn’t—smart, beautiful, kind, loving, worthy,” Streep wrote.
#31 Mother Takes Adorable Photos With Her Two Daughters In Matching Clothing

Image credits: allthatisshe
#32 My Mom (In Yellow) Brings Her Fanny Pack Every Time She's Out In Hopes She’ll Find Any Of The Missing Dogs Posted On Her Neighborhood Facebook Group
She fills it with dog kibble, treats, poop baggies, and a leash.

Image credits: Hvnhaaa
#33 Iconic

Image credits: CameronxDonovan
#34 My Mother Found My Cat Online After A Whole Year Of Being Lost
His name is Basil. He is around 10 years old now, we don't know for sure because we found him outside and "adopted" him. He had been gone recently for a whole year, and my mother had found him online, as someone was offering to pass him to a new family. They drove all the way to my workplace when I was working and surprised me.
We lived together for 8 years and he had finally come back after a year of absence. This photo captures my first reaction when I was allowed to see him and pet him again. I missed him a lot, and he was like a brother to me.

Image credits: NexuzRequiem
#35 I Clogged The Toilet, And My Mother-In-Law Brought This Plunger From The Basement

Image credits: pass_the_hot_sauce
#36 My Mom And I Go On Holiday Every Year For A Week. She's 77, And Most Times We Walk Or Hike On At Least Alternate Days. Today, Mid-Coastal Hike, I Spotted Her Badge

Image credits: awkward_toadstool
#37 My Mum Sent Me A Photo This Morning

Image credits: bmoc9891
Mothers are supposedly a child’s source of affection. They are expected to provide a solid emotional foundation. But why do some end up depriving their sons and daughters?
According to research, maternal depression (a.k.a postpartum depression) could be one reason. Experts note its symptoms to be higher levels of irritability and low mood. And since the sufferer mostly exhibits negative behaviors, their child suffers in the process.
While experts see no single cause for maternal depression, they attribute it to physical changes, emotional issues, and genetics. Family history plays a significant role and could increase the likelihood of depressive episodes.
#38 This Is How My Mom Labels Christmas Gifts

Image credits: spreadinghummus
#39 Today Is My Wife’s Birthday. My Mother-In-Law Just Dropped Off Some Party Supplies For Later. My Wife Is Turning 39

Image credits: SunknLiner
#40 My Mom Puts Her Puppy In Her Apron Pocket When She Preps Dinner, And I’m Not Sure Who Enjoys It More

Image credits: Iamthehamburgler
#41 My Mom Made Me Curtains

Image credits: hannavas_eel
#42 My Mom Just Finished Stitching This. Very Proud

Image credits: -emilietalbot-
These photos appear to paint a picture of a healthy relationship between mothers and their adult children. But of course, this isn’t always the case. Some deal with a contentious dynamic with their grown-up sons and daughters, whether due to substance abuse or mental illness. And that can be a difficult environment.
Judith Smith, a professor, researcher, and author of the book Difficult: Mothering Challenging Adult Children Through Conflict and Change, spoke with Fordham University’s Graduate School of Social Service and gave some tips for handling such a situation.
First, she advises acknowledging the problem, which many mothers fail to do. “You have to allow yourself to recognize that you are uncomfortable with your adult child’s behavior. You have to let yourself ‘see,’” Smith said.
#43 My 95-Year-Old Mother Is Trying On The Crocheted Crown I’ve Made For The Queen's Jubilee In June

Image credits: knittermum
#44 So My Mom (67) And My Nephew (12) Can't Spend Time With Each Other Because Of The Pandemic. So Today Mom Grabbed A Mask And Headed Over For Some Fun And Games Through The Door

Image credits: emerald_roses
#45 My Mom Packs Meatballs Like They're Substances

Image credits: Mcgruff
#46 I Asked My Mum To Make Me A Face Mask. I Guess Even After 40 Years, I’m Still Her Little Boy

Image credits: Andy_Cohen_1979
#47 My Mom Sent Me An Email Yesterday With The Subject "She Won The Contest." This Is What She Sent

Image credits: satellitekid
#48 My Mom Meeting Her Dream Kitten For The First Time Today

Image credits: crazyt123
#49 My Son Said The Dinner His Mom Made Him Smelled Terrible

Image credits: DrinkUpLetsBooBoo
#50 That's Not Bad Advice If That's The Actual Reason For Not Wanting To Do It

Image credits: Makingsofabw
#51 One Of My Mom’s Ornaments

Image credits: ThePeoplesBard
#52 Early Birthday Gift From My Mom

Image credits: neodawg
#53 Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa's Mother Watches And Breaks Down As Her Son Becomes The Second Indian To Reach The Chess World Cup Semi-Finals

Image credits: photochess
#54 My Mom Has Been Getting Into Crochet And She Put Some Leaves On My Headphones

Image credits: RedCupWithAName
#55 My Mum Found Me A Mint Condition Version Of My Childhood Bear So I Can Have One To Hold When My Original Is Too Worn Out

Image credits: breakcharacter
#56 Going Through A Rough Breakup, So My Mom Wrote This Over What My Ex Put (For Context, He Wrote "Your Love")

Image credits: WishWizardLiv
#57 My Mother Always Made My Birthdays Super Special So I’m Trying To Do The Same For My Daughter In Her Honor
I made all the wool animals for the gift bags by needle felting, I think the kids liked them.

Image credits: growup_andblowaway
#58 The Birthday Cake My Mom Got Me Today, I Turn 35

Image credits: nycblackout89
#59 My Wife, Being A Perfect Mom, Is Making A Fuss Over The Mother's Day Gift From Our Preschooler - A Necklace With A Modeling Clay Pendant. You'd Think It Was Set With Diamonds And Rubies

Image credits: JephriB
#60 My Girlfriend's Mum Just Knitted This Beauty For Our Dog

Image credits: dooby181
According to Smith, recognizing the problem between mothers and their “difficult” adult children makes it easier to find out where to make the necessary changes. However, it doesn’t stop there.
Smith advises getting social support, which she deemed as “extremely important” for such situations. “When a mother joins a group with other older mothers whose adult children are also being abusive to her or groups offered by NAMI or Al-Anon, she can see different ways to handle her own situation.”
#61 Vacationing With My Boyfriend's Family Tomorrow, His Mom Fills A Hole In My Heart (Mine Passed When I Was 18, So Blessed With A Mother-In-Law Like Her)
My boyfriend's parents, especially his mom, treat me like I'm their own. This will be my third vacation with them, as we always meet at their house and drive south together. I adore his whole family, I love that they love me too, and his mom is my best friend. Whenever we go to their house for dinner, I can hardly get in the door before she squeals, "My wine-drinking buddy is here!" & pours me a glass. I lost my mom to cancer when I was 18, and I was very close with her. Nobody will ever replace her, but having such a loving mother-in-law who makes sure to always include me and tell me she loves me, certainly does some healing things for the soul.

Image credits: United_Cow_9719
#62 My Mother-In-Law Made A Pair Of These Sleep Pants For All The Men In Our Family For Christmas

Image credits: KyleRichXV
#63 Mom Stopped Pretending My Dad And Brother Were Signing My Cards

Image credits: myfavsocialworker
Denmark’s Aarhus University once released a study revealing that older women become better mothers. The research came about after recent findings showed an increase in the average maternal age, with many women giving birth in their 30s and 40s.
The study noted that older mothers are less likely to scold their children and have a better attitude toward parenthood. Professor Dion Summer attributed such behavior to psychological maturity, which benefits their child in the long run.
“This style of parenting can thereby contribute to a positive psychosocial environment which affects the children’s upbringing.”
#64 Asked Mom To Fix A Pair Of Pants I Ripped. She Did, But Also Added These Sweet Dinosaur Patches Without Asking. They’re Perfect

Image credits: SueloSanos
#65 My Darling Mom At Her First Book Signing. I'm So Proud Of My Momma

Image credits: Flat_Bodybuilder_175
#66 As A 32-Year-Old Mother Of 3, My Sister-In-Law Ran Her First-Ever Marathon Today
She set the goal of running fast enough to qualify for the Boston marathon, a time of 3hr30m. She did it in 3hr15m. My wife and I are so proud of her!

Image credits: JephriB
#67 My Mum's Pride And Joy

Image credits: Olibaba1987
#68 When I Was Gone For Basic My Mom Would Send Me A Text Almost Every Day. We’d Get Our Phones Every Sunday And It Would Always Make My Week To See Her Texts. She’s Such A Sweetheart

Image credits: RandomLurker04
#69 My Mother Sent Me A Birthday Card. Boomers Got Jokes

Image credits: boxywalls
#70 Patchwork Blanket Hand Sewn By Mum Makes Me Smile Everyday
So, it's been a really bad couple of months for my mum. She hurt her knees and can't walk or stand for too long, and for a really active person, it's just depressing. So she sits in her craft room all day sewing stuff to keep herself busy (and sane). Meanwhile, I have had a stressful couple of weeks work and financial-wise.
Yesterday she passed me this blanket she had been secretly working on, meticulously and neatly sewn. I recognized some of the patches as things from my childhood. My favorite pants, pajamas, fabric from the old couch, and the pillowcase my grandma made.
We’ve always butted heads and fought because of our stubborn personalities but this… This made me feel so much love. When I used it that night I had tears in my eyes. But yeah, now it makes me smile, and it's so comfy too! Thanks, mum, I love you.

Image credits: 27stabs
Dear reader, we’d love to hear your stories about your awesome moms. Share them in the comments!