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'enjoy Your Inheritance': Elder Millennials Cringe About 33 "keepsakes" They're Leaving Behind For The Next Generation

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If you're still hoarding an iPhone box from 2015, this is a PSA: Throw it away already! One man's trash may be another man's treasure, but future generations are going to have a mountain of ACTUAL trash to sift through. A lot of us elder millennials and Gen Xers have heaps of 'junk' that our kids are starting to cringe about. 

Does that make us any different than our own parents? 

40-somethings have a notoriously long list of "keepsakes" that'll ultimately find their way into the trash when our kiddos inherit them. But like the Boomers before us leaving behind crochet patchwork blankets, baseball cards, antique end tables, and semi-haunted family portraits, we'll be leaving behind band tees, Target birds, and half-used Bath and Body Works products. You're welcome, kids!

Scroll to cringe and get called out by this collection of memorabilia that's bound to find its way into the dumpster once us elder millennials are gone. 
